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Performance and installation projects vary depending on research interest, art/performance festival themes, conference settings or entrepreneurial fair curation. Of particular interest are projects that integrate art and science, are cross-cultural, queer-feminist and/or multi-lingual. Quests for social change are essential.

Project title Streaming Life: Storying the 94.

A site-specific truth-activation on the St. George campus of the University of Toronto.

A restory-ation of University of Toronto's School of Graduate Studies (SGS).

Time: Oct.13, 2021. 8.30pm EDT.

Location: Online and 63 St.George St., Toronto. 

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Oct.13, 2021

A collaboration between members of the working group Native Performance Culture and the Rhythm of (Re) Conciliation: Remembering Ourselves in Deep Time with Sto:Loh author, educator and Knowledge Keeper Lee Maracle and the Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared.

Project title Minding Niimi/ Imagination/Imaging

A wood-wide web digital theatre in the round on inter-actions and politics between humans and trees

Presenting artistic and performative projects exploring our relationship-making with trees at intersections of de-colonializing politics, arts and science. 

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Sept.18, 2021. 1.30pm EDT. 7.30pm CET

Live-streamed into the world from Turtle Island, Canada, UK, Germany and Latvia. 

Project title Unboxing Imagination/Images 
Live Performing a Plate Camera - Interactively embodied performances among human FACES, a historical plate camera and digital FACES

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Aug.31, 2021

morning 10am-11.50 am Toronto/ Canada  

afternoon 4pm-5.50pm Serbia and Germany

evening 10pm-11.50 pm Singapore

night 12am-1.50 am Melbourne/ Australia

Sept.4, 2021

morning 10am-11 am Toronto/Canada  

afternoon 4pm-5pm Serbia and Germany

evening 10pm Singapore

night 12am-1am Melbourne/Australia

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International Multimedial Festival  IMAF, Serbia (Curated by Nenad Bogdanovic)

An experimental  collaboration between the ArtSci Salon, the Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared/ DDL2 and Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology, York University

27. October, 2020. 7.30-9.30pm

Live-streamed from within and outside the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Toronto, Canada

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Candy Blair, Jill Carter, Nina Czegledy, Antje Budde and David Kemp testing outdoor live-streaming of interactive dance and projection of Niimi II (dance Candy Blair and Astad Deboo).

Photo: Antje Budde


Rehearsing Oracle Jane with the actors Amy Wong, George Bwannika Seremba, Frans Robinow. Photo: Antje Budde

ECODATA.The 5th Open Fields conference on Artistic Research, Science and Technologies and RIXC Art Science Festival 2020; October 8–10, 2020, Riga. 8. October, 2020.

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28. September, 2019.

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International Digifest 19. Creative Growth.
25-27.April, 2019

 © 2024 Antje Budde 

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