AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)
Project title Minding Niimi/ Imagination/Imaging
A wood-wide web digital theatre in the round on inter-actions and politics between humans and trees
Saturday, Sept.18, 2021. 1.30pm EDT. 7.30pm CET
Live-streamed into the world from Turtle Island, Canada, UK, Germany and Latvia.

In SUPPORT of the re-forestation of the Amazon rain forests and Treesisters.org!!

Watch YouTube recording HERE
Project Description:
In collaboration with Be-Coming Tree, a global initiative led by a non-binary group of artist (Danielle, Pen and Jatun), we are presenting - in a show&ell format- artistic and performative projects exploring our relationship-making with trees at intersections of de-colonizing politics, arts and science.
The event will be moderated by Rasa Smite, one of the main creators of Atmospheric Forests, at RIXC - The Center for Art and Science in Riga, Latvia.
Performance duration: 90 min.
75 min. moderated show and tell
15 min Q&A with audience
Performance space:
Performed in Zoom
Live streamed on YouTube

Niimi (s/he dances) 4 iterations. By Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared collaborators Candy Blair, Antje Budde, Jill Carter, Lars Crosby, Nina Czegledy, Dave Kemp, Karyn McCallum, Don Sinclair. In memory of co-creator Astad Deboo (died Nov.10, 2020)
The Tree, The Machine and Me. By Julia Campbell-Such, wood worker and art conservator. (in collaboration with Carey Jernigan)
Julia is originally a cabinetmaker and wood artist but is now mostly working as art conservator. She has worked with forensic labs at the US Fish and Wildlife organization - a kind of tree detective that ID’s trees origins based on their chemistry and cellular anatomy.
Wood. Water. Metal. (Bois. Eau. Métal.). By Gisèle Trudel, media artist and research chair.
Gisèle has just opened (July 2021) her new outdoor art installation project entitled Wood. Water. Metal. (Bois. Eau. Métal.) at the Montreal Botanical Garden which creates public art/research creation at the intersections of art/science/forests/climate change. This is a project with her collaborators from Ælab and Médiane and Hexagram. Web info on installation project