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Project title Minding Niimi/ Imagination/Imaging

A wood-wide web digital theatre in the round on inter-actions and politics between humans and trees

Saturday, Sept.18, 2021. 1.30pm EDT. 7.30pm CET

Live-streamed into the world from Turtle Island, Canada, UK, Germany and Latvia. 

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In SUPPORT of the re-forestation of the Amazon rain forests and!!

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Watch YouTube recording HERE

Project Description:

In collaboration with Be-Coming Tree, a global initiative led by a non-binary group of artist (Danielle, Pen and Jatun), we are presenting -  in a show&ell format- artistic and performative projects exploring our relationship-making with trees at intersections of de-colonizing politics, arts and science. 


The event will be moderated by Rasa Smite, one of the main creators of Atmospheric Forests, at RIXC - The Center for Art and Science in Riga, Latvia.

Performance duration: 90 min.

75 min. moderated show and tell

15 min Q&A with audience

Performance space:

Performed in Zoom

Live streamed on YouTube

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  • Niimi (s/he dances) 4 iterations. By Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared collaborators Candy Blair, Antje Budde, Jill Carter, Lars Crosby, Nina Czegledy, Dave Kemp, Karyn McCallum, Don Sinclair. In memory of co-creator Astad Deboo (died Nov.10, 2020)


  • The Tree, The Machine and Me. By Julia Campbell-Such, wood worker and art conservator. (in collaboration with Carey Jernigan)

    • Julia is originally a cabinetmaker and wood artist but is now mostly working as art conservator. She has worked with forensic labs at the US Fish and Wildlife organization -  a kind of tree detective that ID’s trees origins based on their chemistry and cellular anatomy. 

Patternmaker at WACH (photo credit john haney).jpg


  • Wood. Water. Metal. (Bois. Eau. Métal.). By Gisèle Trudel, media artist and research chair.

    • Gisèle has just opened (July 2021) her new outdoor art installation project entitled Wood. Water. Metal. (Bois. Eau. Métal.) at the Montreal Botanical Garden which creates public art/research creation at the intersections of art/science/forests/climate change. This is a project with her collaborators from Ælab  and Médiane and Hexagram. Web info on installation project


 © 2024 Antje Budde 

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