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Live Performing a Plate Camera - Interactively embodied performances among human FACES, a historical plate camera and digital FACES

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31. August, 2021 via YouTube live stream
7am -8.30 am Vancouver, Canada
10am-11.30 am Toronto, Canada
4pm-5.30pm Novi Sad, Serbia, Neubrandenburg, Germany
10pm-11.30pm Singapore
12 am-1.30 am Melbourne, Australia

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Setting up the plate camera photo studio and digital interface

Photo: Heike Sommer

Running the show. Don Sinclair (left), Antje Budde wearing a digital mask (right)

Screenshot: Antje Budde

Testing the live-streamed plate camera photo studio and live video feed. Don Sinclair, Antje Budde, Martin Kullinna and Heike Sommer

Screenshot: Antje Budde


Antje Budde – Concept, artistic research director, digital dramaturg, event manager

Lars Crosby - Music

Martin Kulinna - Plate camera photographer and operator digital photo interface

Don Sinclair - Computational interface design and  event technical director

Heike Sommer - On site photo documentation and live videographer

Project description

Genre: Theatre of Affection - Live interactive analogue/digital performance gathering –

Duration:  1.55 h


We are inviting international co-performers to our plate camera photo studio  to engage in our analogue-digital photo shoot gathering via a custom-designed interface with our digitally connected, traditional wooden plate camera and our plate camera photographer. The acts in front of the camera will be live-streamed from a Zoom theatre space via OBS to YouTube.









Photos: Martin Kulinna


Our live performance will be communicated as a theatrical event and participants are expected to arrive with a poem of their own choosing  (or their own writing) to introduce themselves poetically. A moderator/storyteller (Antje Budde), wearing a digital mask (using snapcam), will lead through the show, introduce everyone and explain behind-the-scenes setup. Don Sinclair will operate the show spaceship (Zoom, OBS, streaming to Youtube and his own MaxMSP program.) Heike Sommer and Martin Kulinna will operate  and document the plate camera photo studio.

All performers will present their poem and and will be photographed in alphabetical order. Each person has about 5 min..

The photos along with sound recordings of the poetry and a short info about each photographed performer will be presented in a virtual online exhibition on Mozilla Hubs on Sept.4, 2021 as part of IMAF festival. Bring a glass to raise along with your avatar!

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How we developed the plate camera interface can be watched HERE.

International live performers

Renusha Athugala  

Art Babayants

Frank Brehe

Philip Brehse

Antje Budde 

Roberta Buiani

Felipe Cervera

Anna Christiansen

Lars Crosby

Martin Kulinna 

Shelley Liebembuk

Sebastian Samur

Heike Sommer 

Don Sinclair 

Dolores Steinmann

Kerstin Stutterheim

Joy Tanner

Yizhou Zhang


යශෝධරා වත (Yashodhara Watha) by Unknown (oral history, Sri Lanka)

'Impromptu' by Hovhannes Chiraz/Հովհաննես Շիրազ (Art)

'Weißstorch' (White Stork) von/ by  Henning Ziebritzki (Frank)

'White Color Guard - The Powers That Be - episode 1  Chorus of the Travelors'  by Philip Kevin Brehse (Philip)

'Non chiederci la parola che squadri da ogni lato'  by Eugenio Montale  (Roberta)

'Mustafa Centre. A Fact Sheet' by ​Pooja Nansi (Felipe)

'Zwischen Linien Leben' von/by Anna Christiansen (Anna)

'Mantra/Surreal' by Lars Crosby (Lars)


Excerpt from 'Dominicanish' by Josefina Báez (Shelley)

'Matsushima/Pine Island' (松島) by 田原 (Tawara/Tahara Bo) (Sebastian)​



'Cântec dada' (dada song/ Chanson dada) by Tristan Tzara (Dolores)

'Rezept' (Recipe) von/by Mascha Kaléko (Kerstin)

'Letter to a Prisoner' by ​James Baldwin (Joy)

我的滑板鞋 (My Skate Shoes) by 约瑟翰·庞麦郎 (Yuesehan Pangmailang)

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Performance breakdown in Open Broadcaster Software OBS, programmed by Don Sinclair. Screenshot: Antje Budde

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Photo studio interaction. Screenshot: Antje Budde

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Live videographer Heike Sommer (left) and plate camera photographer Martin Kulinna (right)  Screenshot: Antje Budde

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The setup. Photo: Martin Kulinna

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The result. Don Sinclair. Photo: Martin Kulinna

 © 2024 Antje Budde 

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