AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)
Project title
Collective/Collecting Intelligence –
Explorations of Artistic Intelligence A/I in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
BrAInsTOrm 27. March, 2021. 11am-1pm ish.
Via Zoom
Supported by SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), offered by the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto
Antje Budde – Artistic Research Director, Digital Dramaturgy Labsquared, University of Toronto. Canada
Julius Heinicke - UNESCO chair of “Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development”, University of Hildesheim. Germany
Event Assistant:
Madeleine King - National Scholar Mentorship program awardee

Antje Budde. Birdie community project found in Toronto Jan. 2021
A FIRST OF THE KIND international - 34 people from 15 countries - live-zoomed wondering about if and how artistic intelligence A/I and artificial intelligence AI are related in multidisciplinary praxis and research creation and how it is collective. This brainstorm is the first step of possible international RESEARCH CREATION collaborations. This is a safe-space event, by invitation only.
Wondering 1: Collective Intelligence and the praxis of lumbung
Wondering 2: Artistic intelligence or A/I

Welcome and Land acknowledgement
- listen to Snotty Nose Rez Kids' songs "Boujee Natives" and "Son of a Matriarch"
Initial Wonderers – 5 min. each
Antje Budde
Julius Heinicke
Idea Sparkers – 5 min. each
Candy Blair – Indigenous dancer and maker, Turtle Island/ Canada
Ilja Mirsky – Digital dramaturg and cognitive scientist, Germany
Merriam Bousselmi - Theatre artist and playwright, Tunisia/Germany
Mohini Gupte - Theatre artist, collective Kahi Kalena, Germany/India
Gustavo Sol - Digital dramaturg, brain-computer interfacing actor, director. Brazil
Samuel Benagr - New Technologies expert and TV director. Ghana
Darren Moore - Percussionist, neural network artist. Singapore
Candy Blair Spark talk
Video talks
Gustavo Sol Spark talk
Darren Moore Spark talk
Other stuff
Mohini Gupte Spark talk
Ilja Mirsky Spark talk
Merriam Bousselmi Spark talk
Collected intelligence/ Zoom debate
Collective Artistic Intelligence
Samuel Benagr Spark talk
Collective (ex)Change - PARTICIPANTS
Awo Mana Asiedu - Theatre scholar. University of Ghana. Ghana.
Julia Braun - Cultural studies, University of Hildesheim, Germany.
Roberta Buiani - Science-artist and artistic co-director of ArtSci Salon at Fields Institute. Canada
Jill Carter - Indigenous theatre scholar and artist. CDTPS at U of T. Turtle Island and Canada
Felipe Cervera - Scholar-artist. Lasalle College of the Arts. Singapore.
Nina Czegledy - Curator and science-artist. Canada
Mark Chignell - Engineer, research director of Interactive Media Lab at U of T. Canada.
Marco Donnarumma - Media and Performance Artist. Germany.
Lynne Heller - Post-disciplinary artist, educator and academic. Data Materialization Lab. OCAD U. Canada.
Dave Kemp - Director Photography/ Integrated Digital Option at Ryerson U. Canada.
Johanna Kraft - University of Hildesheim. Germany
Gunter Lösel - Science-artist, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland.
Montgomery C. Martin - Projection designer and doctoral student, U of T. Canada.
Karyn McCallum - Stage and projection designer. Dalhousie U. Canada.
Jiv Parasram - Artistic director at Rumble Theatre. Canada.
Ilona Posner - UX consultant and educator. Canada.
Chris Salter - Design and Computation Arts. Concordia U. Canada
Kerstin Stutterheim - Documentary filmmaker, dramaturg, president of Academy of Media Arts. Germany
Vicki Zhang - Statistician and playwright. U of T. Canada.
Doctoral students of the Department of Theatre Arts, University of Ghana (Prof. Awo Mana Asiedu)
Belinda Ama Aflakpui
Johnson Sennah Kofi Gilbert
Joshua Paa Yaw Otabil
International doctoral students, CDTPS, U of T. Canada
Sanja Vodovnik - Theatre artist, sci-fi scholar and international doctoral student. U of T. Canada.
Yizhou Zhang - Theatre artist and international doctoral student. U of T. Canada.
NOTE: Many people listed above live between worlds. I included the location of where they are at the moment but they come from countries like Australia, China, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Singapore, Slovenia, Mexico.