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Rehearsal. Photo: Antje Budde

Project title Kaleidoscopic Imaginations - Performing Togetherness in Empty Spaces.

Project title Kaleidoscopic Imaginations - Performing Togetherness in Empty Spaces.

An experimental  collaboration between the ArtSci Salon, the Digital Dramaturgy Lab_squared/ DDL2 and Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology, York University 27. October, 2020. 7.30-9.30pm

Live-streamed from within and outside the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Toronto, Canada

Event trailer

Project description

Join our evening of live-streamed, multi-media  performances, following a kaleidoscopic dramaturgy of complexity discourses as inspired by computational complexity theory gatherings.

We are presenting installations, site-specific artistic interventions and media experiments, featuring networked audio and video, dance and performances as we repopulate spaces – The Fields Institute and surroundings – forced to lie empty due to the pandemic. Respecting physical distance and new sanitation and safety rules can be challenging, but it can also open up new ideas and opportunities.

Virtual space/live streaming concept and design: DDL2  Antje Budde, Karyn McCallum and Don Sinclair

Virtual space and streaming pilot: Don Sinclair

Technical, artistic and coordination support: Roberta Buiani, Antje Budde, Don Sinclair, Dave Kemp and Stephen Morris

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Candy Blair, Jill Carter, Nina Czegledy, Antje Budde and David Kemp testing outdoor live-streaming of interactive dance and projection of Niimi II (dance Candy Blair and Astad Deboo).  Photos: Antje Budde

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Rehearsing Oracle Jane with the actors Amy Wong, George Bwannika Seremba, Frans Robinow. Photo: Antje Budde


1. Welcome –  Roberta Buiani, ArtSci Salon

2. Signing the Virus – Video (2 min.) Collaborators: DDL2 Antje Budde, Felipe Cervera, Grace Whiskin

3. Vriksha/Tree – Dance video and outdoor projection (8 min.) Collaborators: DDL2 Antje Budde, Lars Crosby, Astad Deboo, Dave Kemp, Amit Kumar

4. Niimi Animation – Video animation (2.30 min.) Collaborators: DDL2 Karyn McKallum, Jill Carter

5. Niimi II – Performance and outdoor video projection (9 min.) (Nimii means in Anishinaabemowin: s/he dances) 

Collaborators: DDL2 Candy Blair, Antje Budde, Jill Carter, Lars Crosby, Nina Czegledy, Dave Kemp

6. Oracle Jane (Scene 2) – A partial playreading on the politics of AI (30 min.)

Playwright: Anynomous. Director: DDL2 Antje Budde Actors: Frans Robinow,  George Bwannika Seremba, Amy Wong 

7. Facial Recognition – Performing a Plate Camera from a Distance (3min.) Collaborators: DDL2 Antje Budde, Jill Carter, Felipe Cervera, Nina Czegledy, Karyn McCallum, Lars Crosby, Martin Kulinna, Montgomery C. Martin, George Bwanika Seremba, Don Sinclair, Heike Sommer

8. Cutting Edge – Growing Data (6 min.) Performer/Video: DDL2   Antje Budde

7. “void * ambience” Architectural and instrumental acoustics, projection mapping
Concept: Sensorium: The Centre for Digital Art and Technology, York University
Collaborators: Michael Palumbo, Ilze Briede [Kavi], Debashis Sinha, Joel Ong


Many thanks to Bryan Eelhart, Manager of Scientific Programs at Fields for his assistance and dedication.

This program is part of Boundary-Crossings: Multiscalar Entanglements in Art, Science and Society, a public Outreach program supported by the Fiends Institute for Research in Mathematical Science. Boundary Crossings is a series exploring how the notion of boundaries can be transcended and dissolved in the arts and the humanities, the biological and the mathematical sciences, as well as human geography and political economy. Boundaries are used to establish delimitations among disciplines; to discriminate between the human and the non-human (body and technologies, body and bacteria); and to indicate physical and/or artificial boundaries, separating geographical areas and nation states. Our goal is to cross these boundaries by proposing new narratives to show how the distinctions, and the barriers that science, technology, society and the state have created can in fact be re-interpreted as porous and woven together.

 © 2024 Antje Budde 

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