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AI will eventually surpass the human brain but getting jokes ... that could take time. (Geoffrey Hinton)
Exploring A/I Artistic Intelligence
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method,
one I would like to see more honoured within socialist-feminism. (Donna Haraway)

Project title
An introduction to the mysteries of synthetic data
BrAInsTOrm 23. June, 2020. 2-4pm.
Via Zoom
A collaboration with Vicki Zhang - Statistician
While grappling with the question what A/I or artistic intelligence might be in the context of AI or artificial intelligence we learned about new types of data. These are synthetic data that are able to cover their tracks of origin in order - among other things - to provide a loophole for companies to avoid data transparency and data rights.
As we discuss how imaging (and politics of representation) and imagination are related this was an important lectures to hear. Vicki Zhang is our go-to person about questions of AI and ethics.
A collective learning in preparation of Ratting the Curve
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